BTech's INVITRO SCREENING TECHNOLOGY allows pre-clinical testing of novel compounds in a human disease relevant COMPUTERIAL MODEL for their potential application for treatment of various diseases.
3D neuronal network
The identification of robust phenotypes, which are recapitulating key cellular defects of neurodegenerative conditions are hampered by the lack of sufficiently representative in vitro models. We optimized the cultivation of patient specific neurons in 3D microfluidics. These systems allows for the identification of disease-related phenotypes in a more physiological manner and without the use of chemical stressors.
3D human brain organoids
The unique feature of our approach is that we use complex 3D human brain organoids mimicking the midbrain to a level that is not achievable by traditional two-dimensional cell culture. Hence, by using disease specific cells we are able to achieve disease specific phenotypes that are several orders of magnitude stronger than those known from standard two-dimensional cultures. These strong phenotypes allows us to conduct tests for novel compounds with the ability to inhibit these disease specific defects.
For this service we make use of a unique and well characterized library of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) which either represent the healthy status or which are specific for Parkinson’s disease. All our approaches are based on human iPSCs and are therefore completely free of any kind of animal research or animal components.
These iPSCs are used to generate human midbrain organoids in microfluidics devices, therefore we call our technology Brain-on-a-Chip. By using microfluidics chips we are able to make use of automation and parallelization, which allows us to work with a relatively high throughput.
With our patented Brain-on-a-Chip devices we obtain strong Parkinson’s disease specific phenotypes that include a massive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. These phenotypes mimic the disease process better than any other available human cell culture model or transgenic mouse model.
BTech offers to customers the possibility to test their drugs for the potential to rescue this disease specific phenotype. Additionally, we are able to customize our approach in a way that additionally multiple readout parameters (e.g. gen-expression, mitochondrial function, protein aggregate analysis etc.) can be addressed.
BTech offers to customers the possibility to test their drugs for the potential to rescue this disease specific phenotype. Additionally, we are able to customise our approach in a way that additional multiple readout parameters (e.g. gen-expression, mitochondrial function, protein aggregate analysis etc.) can be addressed.
By using microfluidics chips we are able to make use of automation and parallelization which allows us to work with a relatively high throughput.
At the end of our service we deliver all original data as well as a report with the analysed results. We are aware of the importance of maximal quality of data analysis, integration (e.g. via tranSMART) visualization and security (Tier4 data storage centre). To ensure this state of the art service we closely work together with the Luxembourgish information technology company ITTM S.A.
While the focus of our service is on the above described pre-clinical drug testing we also offer the possibility to conduct toxicology studies.
Additionally, we also see the potential of addressing other neurodegenerative disorders, several personalized medicine related applications, and multi-organ-on-the chip approaches.